Let’s go! On y va! FORMATION OF THE PASSÉ COMPOSÉ: As seen in the image above, the PASSÉ COMPOSÉ is formed using the Present Tense of ONE of the Auxiliary Verbs, ‘AVOIR’ (to have) or ‘ÊTRE’ (to be) and the PAST PARTICIPLE of the main verb. ▪ Employ it to describe what they did last week. 2 At the end of this lesson, students should be able to: ▪ Identify the Passé Composé (Present Perfect) in French.
In another lesson, we will learn how to structure a sentence in the NEGATIVE using this compound past tense. OBJECTIVES: This lesson focuses on the use of the Passé compose in the Affirmative: ‘I ate’, ‘I have eaten’, ‘I did eat’.
It is usually accompanied by a specified time, date etc.
Download LEÇON : LE PASSÉ COMPOSÉ (aka Perfect Tense) and more Exams French in PDF only on Docsity! LEÇON : LE PASSÉ COMPOSÉ (aka Perfect Tense) CLASSE : GRADES 10 & 11 (TROISIÈME ET SECONDE) What is the PASSÉ COMPOSÉ? A COMPOUND PAST TENSE in French that describes a COMPLETED past action.